What's New
- 2025-01-21
Our recent results have been published on Nature Communications!
Details are Here. - 2024-08-23
Our recent results have been published on Science Advances!
Details are Here. - 2024-01-23
Our recent results have been published on Optics Express!
Details are Here. - 2024-01-04
Our recent results have been published on Optics Express!
Details are Here. - 2023-04-25
Our recent results have been published on ACS Photonics!
Details are Here. - 2022-02-22
Our recent results have been published on Nanophotonics!
Details are Here. - 2020-08-04
Our recent results have been published on PRL!
Details are Here. - 2019-12-16
Our recent results have been published on Optics Express!
Details are Here. - 2019-12-05
Our recent results have been press released!
Details are Here. Original paper associated with the press release is Here. - 2019-04-03
- Welcome new members! Let's enjoy science with us!
- 2019-03-11
- The members presented new results in JSAP meeting.
- 2018-09-18
- The members presented new results in JSAP meeting.
- 2018-04-03
- Welcome new members! Let's enjoy science with us!
- 2017-05-08
- Now, webpage of Notomi Lab is open!
- 2017-04-01
- Notomi Lab. kick off!!
About Notomi Laboratory
Notomi Lab. has just started in Apr. '17. The main topic in Notomi Lab. is Nanophotonics. based on solid state photo physics. Prof. Notomi leads not only our Lab. but also the team in NTT Basic Research Lab./Nanophotonics Center. Our Lab. is working with NTT labs. in close cooperation.
Creating new physics using nano-scale artificial structures
The main goal of Notomi Lab. is creating novel optical properties/phenomena by nanophotonics, which cannot be achieved by conventional materials. To do this, we employ sub-wavelength structures (photonic nanostructures) fabricated by state-of-art equipment in our team. By using photonic nanostructures including photonic crystals, plasmonic structures, and metamaterials, we're challenging to break conventional limits of existing optical technologies. Main on-going research activities are divided into two as below.
(1) Creating novel optical phenomena/properties by designing artificial nanostructures
The strategy to create novel optical phenomena/properties is applying concepts of fundamental physics, especially in solid state physics, into electromagnetic waves. One famous example emerged from the analogy between electons and photons is "photonic crystals", that is, photonic version of crystals. More recently, other concepts in fundamental physics, such as topological insulators, photonic valleytronics and parity-time symmetry, were also applied to electromagnetic waves, which is now becoming new frontier in research community of photonic crystals and metamaterials.
(2) Fusion of nanomaterials and nanophotonics
Recently, two-dimensional materials represented by graphene are hot research topics since a variety of new physical properties are being found. One-dimensional materials including carbon nanotubes and semiconductor nanowires are also attracting significant attention from researchers. Generally, light-matter interaction of these low-dimensional materials is very weak because the size of the nanomaterials is too small compared with the wavelength of light. To overcome this issue, we have proposed several new platforms by combining nanomaterials and nanophotonics, which are expected to boost the fascinating properties of nanomaterials and enhance their light-matter interactions..
Photonic crystals, Metamaterials, Plasmonics, Nanomaterials, Two dimensional materials, Photonic topological insulators, Photonic valleytronics, PT-symmetry, Optical computing
Practical research topics
Design and theoretical analysis of nanostructures, Fabrication of nanostructures, Optical measurements of nanostructures
For students
The main office of Notomi Lab. was moved to Oookayama campus from NTT Laboratory.